Kirsten Hagen’s illustrative paintings recall and reveal familiar moments and landscapes through their depictions of coastal California. While firmly rooted in regionalism and including some iconic aspects of the San Francisco bay, Hagen’s stylistic choices suggest more universal and idyllic places. Part of this is Hagen’s colorful palette of her composition and textures, suggests places you want to visit. Hagen works from her own photographs, building off these to create what she calls a “living memory.” Although fortunate enough to work with naturally beautiful source material, Hagen’s treatments in oil and acrylic and her selective use of more vibrant colors aids in the creation of a narrative in each painting. In particular, Hagen uses physical distance to ground her work, with far landscapes shrouded in opacity, but still extant. In this regard, there’s a sense of scope and continuity, with the depiction in each scene hinting at both return and renewal.